Marine ecosystems are an essential component of the Earth: a source of biodiversity, food and life, and the most biologically diverse. Yet they are undervalued and probably the least understood.

This training programme offers an agile learning pathway for individuals wishing to develop specific competencies in sustainable marine ecosystems through a multidisciplinary, practical and integrated approach.

This programme is aimed at managers, civil servants, professionals, graduates, postgraduate and vocational students with a background in environmental studies.

The TRASMARES pathway is based on four Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) integrated in the MiriadaX platform. This pathway will allow students to delve deeper into marine ecosystems to understand their functions, benefits and main threats. The aim is to provide world-class knowledge on new methodologies, procedures and tools for the conservation and sustainable management of marine and coastal ecosystems in the context of climate change.

The scientific strength of this ambitious training initiative is supported by the partnership between three European higher education institutions: the University of Cantabria (Spain), the Università di Bologna (Italy) and the University of Coimbra (Portugal) together with Telefónica Educación Digital (TED), a leading international company in high-impact lifelong learning solutions.



Develop more flexible, digital, dynamic and agile targeted capacity building based on a multidisciplinary, practical and integrated approach to sustainable marine ecosystems.


To increase the number of learners trained through the development of open, online, flexible and lifelong learning adapted to the labour market, promoting the transfer of knowledge and the latest research and scientific results to education, based on an established and officially certified European standard.


Improve teachers' digital skills and competences, promoting digital transformation that increases the use of technology in the educational space.


To strengthen the attractiveness, internationalisation and competence of participating organisations.


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